How to get an Autism Diagnosis for Your Child

We pointed out in our previous article “How do I Know if My Child Has Autism?” signs that may lead you to requesting an autism evaluation. When autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is expected, an assessment and evaluation is a must. However, the whole process of requesting an assessment is difficult, so we’ve broken down some of the most common questions that parents and guardians have below:


The When: At what age is it best to request an evaluation?

It is generally recommended that ALL children are screened for autism, primarily due to the importance of early-intervention. Due to this,  the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends all children be screened for ASD at their 18-and 24-month well-child checkups. 

If your child is already older than 24 months, don’t fret, schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your concerns and receive a screening. 

The Who: Who is qualified to diagnose autism?

Discussing a diagnosis with your pediatrician is a great first step. They may be qualified to complete an assessment, and if not, they will likely be able to refer you to someone who can. Assessments are done by medical doctors (MDs) and Doctors of Psychology (PsyDs) who focus on autism and behavioral health.

The What: What type of test is done to determine my child has autism?

Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder is difficult because there is no blood test or quick medical exam. Doctors must look at the child’s developmental history and behavior to make a diagnosis, which often requires an extensive evaluation. Evaluations typically include a structured, comprehensive, play-based assessment called the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), though other tools, assessments, and tests may be used in place of this.

Pro Tip:

Prior to scheduling an appointment, it is recommended that you complete a quick online screening known as the M-CHAT, which can be found here. This will provide your doctor with some background information before s/he begins their own evaluation.


Diagnosing Autism. Healthy Children.

How is Autism Diagnosed.  Autism Speaks


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